
Team from ICC Imara and SU Rwanda staff have had Kigali tour, Campfire, Dinner and Cultural night, as a way for the youth to experience the World and have an interactive party 

During the Kigali tour, we got chance to learn from Kigali life and what you youth can go and implement in the country. So much excitement and incredible innovations found 

In Dinner night youth have had a super talk with the friends from African Evangelical Enterprise (AEE) Kenya especially those in FoxFire program. 

During the Culture night, participants got time to show different cultures especially the team from Kenya have shown the different cultures from different tribes in Kenya and also Rwandese shared the Cultural through traditional dances, dressing code, songs, proverbs and poems 

All that have been done is for multicultural learning. In the end of the week we really had a wonderful worship time, praying, dancing and praises within campfire night

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