
We are delighted to share the heartwarming news of Scripture Union Rwanda’s recent visit to Base Primary School. On 23rd June 2023, our organization had the privilege of partnering with this esteemed institution to carry out a special initiative that aimed to empower and uplift the students. In an effort to provide sustainable support and promote self-reliance, Scripture Union Rwanda generously donated goats to the students of Base Primary School.

Promoting Self-Reliance:
At Scripture Union Rwanda, we firmly believe in empowering individuals to become self-reliant and thrive in their communities. We recognize that education plays a vital role in this process. By donating goats to the students of Base Primary School, we sought to create a practical and sustainable avenue for them to develop essential skills while embracing the values of responsibility and hard work.

Enhancing Livelihoods:
Goats are not only a source of companionship and joy but also provide valuable resources such as milk, meat, and manure. Through this initiative, Scripture Union Rwanda aimed to enhance the livelihoods of the students and their families, enabling them to have access to nutritious food, generate income, and improve their overall quality of life. Moreover, by involving the students in the care and management of the goats, we aimed to instill important values of compassion, stewardship, and agricultural knowledge.

Educational and Personal Development:
Beyond the immediate benefits, the presence of goats at Base Primary School will serve as a practical educational tool. The students will have the opportunity to learn about animal husbandry, veterinary care, and basic business principles through hands-on experience. This initiative not only contributes to their academic growth but also nurtures their character, fostering a sense of responsibility, teamwork, and empathy.

Community Collaboration:
Scripture Union Rwanda’s visit to Base Primary School exemplifies the power of collaboration. We are grateful for the support and cooperation extended by the school administration, teachers, and the entire community. Together, we are creating a nurturing environment where children can thrive academically, spiritually, and socially.

The donation of goats to the students of Base Primary School marks an important milestone in our commitment to empowering and uplifting young lives. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who played a part in making this initiative a reality. Scripture Union Rwanda remains dedicated to fostering holistic development among children and youth, and we look forward to continuing our mission of creating positive and sustainable change in communities across Rwanda.

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